

Music: Kalyi Jag (Black Fire Group)

This dance is identical to the Turkish dance Yeni Yol. When performed to the Rumelaj music however, it becomes this popular gypsy dance. The words are rumoured to be obscene, but are generally viewed to concern the seduction of a girl called Rumelia. The dance was put to this music by Steve Kotansky.

Style: seductive with large hip movements

Formation: open circle, w position

Basic Step:

Touch R toe next to left, straightening both legs so that the R hip extends to side (1) Step on R foot forward (2)

The dance sequence

Bar 1 Basic step in LOD, starting R foot

Bar 2 Basic step in LOD, starting L foot

Bar 3 Turning to face center, basic step with R foot, but on cnt 2, step back instead of forwards

Bar 4 Step L to Left (1) step on R in front of L (2)

Bar 5 As in bar 3, but with left foot.

Bar 6 Step R to R (1) step on L in front of R (2)

Variation: as signaled by the leader the dancers may drop hands and make 1 complete clockwise turn on bars 1-2, the rest of the step is the same.

The variation is only done once per leader signal.

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